A couple of months ago I blogged about ex-vegans and mentioned anti-vegan activist Rhys Southan. His Let Them Eat Meat blog is always interesting reading for vegan activists . This week, Rhys interviewed dietitian Jack Norris (co-founder of Vegan Outreach) about animal rights and vegan diets. Rhys asks good challenging questions and Jack responds with some great answers. It’s an excellent interview and you can read it here.
Wow, I really wasn't that impressed with Norris's answers. He seemed to consistently argue from the perspective of the non-vegan who sees no alternative way of living. He argued within the framework that culture as we have it is only partially malleable and we are confined by those parameters instead of imagining other relationships with humans and non-human animals. I no longer see the value in answering "So, if you were alone on a desert island" sort of questions, which it seemed like a great portion of that interview consisted of. This interview seemed to give a great deal of wiggle room to those who want excuses to eat animals…partially evidenced by the comments that followed. I don't know, I wish he wouldn't have tried to argue from the premises of the interviewer and reframed the questions instead.
Thanks I really enjoyed this interview. I have been a veg/vegan for 15 years and I am beginning to experience some "failure to thrive" issues that were triggered by pre-existing health issues. I am going to "exhaust all options" and try his daily recommendations before trying some animal foods. Something I really can not fathom 🙂 You have helped me so much!
I thought that was an interesting interview although I am not sure why Rhys Southan is so anti-vegan he has a whole blog devoted to talking about why you shouldn't be a vegan. If he wants to do something to further humanity he could try volunteer work!